Beyond the game jam...

Well, the game jam has come and gone and after catching up on a bit of sleep, we quickly realized how much we hated the main game mechanic. Using the mouse to identify hidden platforms basically results in the player wildly flailing the mouse around which seems a bit pointless and silly.  I don't think we spent enough time fleshing out the design up front but felt rushed given the week long jam deadline, plus the theme really swayed our mindset.

We've decided to keep building the game just for fun since none of us have published a game before, and wanted to learn a bit of the experience from end-to-end.  The first thing we did was toss the mouse mechanic and have moved to a concept of a normal and crystal world which you can flip between with the press of a button that results in certain objects only existing in one or the other, or both. It feels a lot better already but completely changes the level design meaning we need to scrap everything we had.

Anyways, really the whole point of this post was to see how powerful Itch was to see if we need to build a new website or if we can just use this existing platform. So far, it's pretty simple to use and powerful enough for what we want to do so I think we'll stick with it for now.  Hopefully we can post an update to the game at some point and continue to get more feedback.

Get Tig and the Crystal Realm

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